Binary to Octal

Binary to Octal


Binary and octal are numerical systems used for representing numbers. Binary is a base-2 system, meaning it uses only two digits – 0 and 1. On the other hand, octal is a base-8 system that uses eight digits – 0 to 7. Converting binary numbers to octal numbers involves grouping the binary digits into sets of three and then replacing each set with its equivalent octal digit. This article will explain how to convert binary numbers to octal in simple English.

What is Binary?

Binary is a number system that uses two digits – 0 and 1. This is because computers and digital devices use electronic circuits that can be in one of two states, represented by the digits 0 and 1. In binary, each digit is called a bit. The position of a bit in a binary number determines its value. The rightmost bit has the smallest value, while the leftmost bit has the largest value.

What is Octal?

Octal is a number system that uses eight digits – 0 to 7. It is typically used as a shorthand notation for representing binary numbers in a more compact form. Octal was widely used in early computers and programming languages, but it has been mostly replaced by hexadecimal (base-16) in modern systems. However, understanding octal is still important for some low-level programming tasks.

Binary to Octal Conversion Method

Converting binary numbers to octal numbers involves grouping the binary digits into sets of three and then replacing each set with its equivalent octal digit. Here is a step-by-step method to convert binary to octal:

Step 1: Group the Binary Digits

Start by grouping the binary digits into sets of three, starting from the rightmost digit. If the number of digits is not a multiple of three, add leading zeros to make it divisible by three.

Step 2: Determine the Octal Equivalent

Replace each group of three binary digits with their equivalent octal digit. Here is a table that shows the conversion:

Binary Octal
000 0
001 1
010 2
011 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7

For example, if we have the binary number 101011, we would group it as 10 101 1 and convert each group to its octal equivalent – 2 5 1.

Step 3: Combine the Octal Digits

Finally, combine the octal digits obtained in step 2 to get the octal representation of the binary number.

Examples of Binary to Octal Conversion

Let's go through a few examples to illustrate the process of converting binary numbers to octal:

Example 1:

Convert the binary number 100101 to octal.

Step 1: Group the binary digits – 1 001 01

Step 2: Convert each group to octal – 1 1 1

Step 3: Combine the octal digits – 111

The octal equivalent of 100101 is 111.

Example 2:

Convert the binary number 1101010 to octal.

Step 1: Group the binary digits – 1 101 010

Step 2: Convert each group to octal – 1 5 2

Step 3: Combine the octal digits – 152

The octal equivalent of 1101010 is 152.

Example 3:

Convert the binary number 111110101 to octal.

Step 1: Group the binary digits – 1 111 101 01

Step 2: Convert each group to octal – 1 7 5 1

Step 3: Combine the octal digits – 1751

The octal equivalent of 111110101 is 1751.


Converting binary numbers to octal numbers involves grouping the binary digits into sets of three and then replacing each set with its equivalent octal digit. This method allows for a more compact representation of binary numbers. Understanding binary and octal conversions is important in various computer and programming tasks. By following the step-by-step method explained in this article, you can convert binary numbers to octal numbers with ease.