Decimal to HEX

Decimal to HEX

Understanding Decimal and Hexadecimal Number Systems

Decimal and hexadecimal are two different number systems used in computing and mathematics. While the decimal system is the most widely used number system in everyday life, the hexadecimal system is commonly used in computer programming and digital systems. In this article, we will focus on converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal.

What is Decimal?

The decimal system, also known as base-10, is a number system that uses ten digits (0-9) to represent all possible numbers. Each digit's value is determined by its position in the number. For example, in the decimal number 123, the digit 1 represents 1 hundred, the digit 2 represents 2 tens, and the digit 3 represents 3 ones. The decimal system is intuitive to us because we use it in everyday life for counting and arithmetic operations.

What is Hexadecimal?

The hexadecimal system, also known as base-16, is a number system that uses sixteen digits (0-9 and A-F) to represent numbers. The additional six digits (A-F) are needed to represent values greater than 9. In hexadecimal, the letter A represents the decimal number 10, B represents 11, C represents 12, and so on, up to F, which represents 15. The hexadecimal system is widely used in computer science and digital systems because it provides a shorter representation of binary numbers.

Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal

To convert a decimal number to hexadecimal, we follow a simple process. We divide the decimal number by 16 repeatedly and record the remainders. The remainders will give us the hexadecimal digits in reverse order. Let's see this process in action with an example:

Example: Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal

Let's convert the decimal number 375 to hexadecimal:

Step 1: Divide 375 by 16: 375 √∑ 16 = 23 remainder 7

The remainder 7 corresponds to the hexadecimal digit 7.

Step 2: Divide the quotient from step 1 (23) by 16: 23 √∑ 16 = 1 remainder 7

Again, the remainder 7 corresponds to the hexadecimal digit 7.

Step 3: Divide the new quotient (1) by 16: 1 √∑ 16 = 0 remainder 1

The remainder 1 corresponds to the hexadecimal digit 1.

By reading the remainders from bottom to top, we get the hexadecimal representation of 375, which is 177.

Therefore, the decimal number 375 is equivalent to the hexadecimal number 177.

Shortcut for Converting Decimal to Hexadecimal

While the division method shown above is effective, it can be time-consuming for larger decimal numbers. However, there is a shortcut to convert decimal to hexadecimal by using the remainders and hexadecimal digits directly.

To use this shortcut, we divide the decimal number by 16 and write down the remainder. If the remainder is greater than 9, we replace it with the corresponding hexadecimal letter.

Let's use this shortcut to convert the decimal number 375 to hexadecimal:

Step 1: Divide 375 by 16: 375 √∑ 16 = 23 remainder 7

The remainder 7 corresponds to the hexadecimal digit 7.

Step 2: Write down the remainder directly: 7

Step 3: Repeat the process with the new quotient (23): 23 √∑ 16 = 1 remainder 7

Again, the remainder 7 corresponds to the hexadecimal digit 7.

Step 4: Write down the remainder directly: 77

Step 5: Repeat the process with the new quotient (1): 1 √∑ 16 = 0 remainder 1

The remainder 1 corresponds to the hexadecimal digit 1.

Step 6: Write down the remainder directly: 177

Therefore, the decimal number 375 is equivalent to the hexadecimal number 177 by using this shortcut method.


Converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal is an essential skill in computer programming and digital systems. By following a simple division method or using a shortcut, you can convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal easily. Understanding the relationship between decimal and hexadecimal number systems can greatly enhance your abilities in coding and working with digital systems.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Try converting different decimal numbers to hexadecimal using both methods to strengthen your understanding. With time and practice, converting decimal to hexadecimal will become a second nature to you in the world of computing.