Decimal to Octal

Decimal to Octal

Introduction to Decimal to Octal

Decimal and Octal are two number systems used in mathematics and computer science. Decimal is the number system we use in our everyday lives, which consists of 10 digits (0 to 9). Octal, on the other hand, is a base-8 number system, meaning it uses only 8 digits (0 to 7).

Converting a decimal number to octal can be useful in various scenarios, especially in computer programming and digital systems. In this article, we will discuss the process of converting decimal numbers to octal, step-by-step.

What is Decimal?

Decimal is a number system used by humans in our daily lives. It is called a base-10 number system because it consists of 10 digits. Each digit's value is determined by its position in the number.

In a decimal number, the rightmost digit represents the ones place, the next digit on the left represents the tens place, the next digit represents the hundreds place, and so on. The place value of each digit is ten times greater than the digit to its right.

What is Octal?

Octal is a base-8 number system, meaning it consists of 8 digits. Each digit's value is determined by its position in the number, just like in the decimal system.

In an octal number, the rightmost digit represents the ones place, the next digit on the left represents the eights place, the next digit represents the sixty-fours place, and so on. The place value of each digit is eight times greater than the digit to its right.

Converting Decimal to Octal: Step-by-Step Process

To convert a decimal number to octal, we can follow a systematic process. The steps involved are:

Step 1: Divide the Decimal Number by 8

The first step is to divide the decimal number by 8. Remember to consider only the quotient, not the remainder.

For example, let's convert the decimal number 136 to octal:

136 √∑ 8 = 17, with a remainder of 0

17 √∑ 8 = 2, with a remainder of 1

2 √∑ 8 = 0, with a remainder of 2

Therefore, the quotient sequence is 020.

Step 2: Arrange the Quotients in Reverse Order

In the previous step, we obtained the quotient sequence as 020. However, in octal representation, we need to arrange the quotients in reverse order.

So, the reverse of 020 is 020.

Step 3: Add Leading Zeros

In octal, each digit can take values from 0 to 7. Since we have a reverse quotient sequence of 020, we need to add leading zeros to get a valid octal representation.

In this case, no leading zeros need to be added.

Step 4: Write the Octal Equivalent

Finally, after following the previous steps, the decimal number 136 is equivalent to the octal number 020.

Octal Digits and their Decimal Equivalents

In octal, there are eight possible digits - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. Each octal digit corresponds to a decimal value. The table below shows the decimal equivalents of octal digits:

Octal Digit Decimal Equivalent
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7

Decimal to Octal Conversion Examples

Let's explore a few examples of converting decimal numbers to octal:

Example 1: Decimal Number 57

To convert the decimal number 57 to octal:

57 √∑ 8 = 7, with a remainder of 1

7 √∑ 8 = 0, with a remainder of 7

Therefore, the quotient sequence is 71, which is the octal equivalent of 57.

Example 2: Decimal Number 123

To convert the decimal number 123 to octal:

123 √∑ 8 = 15, with a remainder of 3

15 √∑ 8 = 1, with a remainder of 7

1 √∑ 8 = 0, with a remainder of 1

Therefore, the quotient sequence is 173, which is the octal equivalent of 123.

Application of Decimal to Octal Conversion

The process of converting decimal to octal has various applications, especially in computer programming and digital systems. Here are a few instances where decimal to octal conversion is useful:

1. Representing Binary Numbers

In computer systems, binary numbers are widely used. Binary numbers are base-2 numbers, consisting of only two digits - 0 and 1. Each digit's position represents a power of 2.

Octal numbers, being base-8, can be a more concise representation of binary numbers. Every three consecutive binary digits can be replaced by a single octal digit.

For example, the binary number 11011 can be represented as 33 in octal. Here, the first three binary digits (110) are replaced by the octal digit 3, and the last two binary digits (11) are represented by the octal digit 3 as well.

2. File Permissions in Unix-like Systems

In Unix-like operating systems, file permissions are represented by a sequence of octal digits. Each octal digit corresponds to read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, group, and others.

For example, in the octal sequence 764, the first digit (7) represents read, write, and execute permissions for the owner, the second digit (6) represents read and write permissions for the group, and the last digit (4) represents read-only permissions for others.

3. Addressing Memory and Registers in Microprocessors

In microprocessors and digital systems, memory and registers are often addressed using octal numbers. This is because octal numbers can represent a larger range of values using fewer digits compared to binary or decimal numbers.

Octal addresses are commonly used in assembly language programming and debugging processes, allowing programmers to directly specify memory locations and registers without using lengthy binary or decimal representations.


Converting decimal numbers to octal is a fundamental skill in computer science and digital systems. Being able to convert between number systems allows us to work with numbers in various contexts, including programming, file permissions, and microprocessors.

In this article, we discussed the step-by-step process of converting decimal numbers to octal. We explored the concepts of decimal and octal number systems, the decimal equivalents of octal digits, and examples of decimal to octal conversion. We also highlighted a few applications where decimal to octal conversion is commonly used.

By understanding the conversion process and its applications, you can enhance your mathematical and computer science skills, and better understand the inner workings of digital systems.