JavaScript Beautifier

JavaScript Beautifier

What is JavaScript Beautifier?

JavaScript Beautifier is a tool used to tidy up and format JavaScript code, making it easier to read and understand. It takes your existing code and applies a set of rules and formatting options to make the code consistent and aesthetically pleasing. This makes it easier for developers to collaborate, debug, and maintain JavaScript code.

Why is JavaScript Beautifier important?

When writing JavaScript code, it's easy to fall into bad coding practices such as inconsistent indentation, unnecessary whitespace, and poorly structured code. This can make it difficult for other developers to understand and work with the code.

JavaScript Beautifier solves this problem by applying consistent formatting to the code, making it easier to read and understand. By using a standard set of rules, such as indentation style, line breaks, and spacing, you can improve the readability and maintainability of your code.

How does JavaScript Beautifier work?

JavaScript Beautifier works by parsing your JavaScript code and applying a set of formatting rules to it. These rules cover various aspects of code formatting, such as indentation, line breaks, spacing, and wrapping of lines.

Some common formatting options that JavaScript Beautifier provides include:

  • Indentation: You can specify the number of spaces or tabs to use for each level of indentation.
  • Line breaks: You can choose whether to break long lines of code into multiple lines for improved readability.
  • Spacing: You can control the spacing around operators, brackets, and other elements in your code.
  • Wrapping: You can specify whether to wrap long expressions or statements onto multiple lines, or keep them on a single line.
  • Alignment: You can align elements vertically to improve code readability.


// Unformatted JavaScript code
function sayHello(name){if(name!==undefined){console.log('Hello, '+name);}else{console.log('Hello, Stranger!');}}

// Formatted JavaScript code
function sayHello(name) {
  if (name !== undefined) {
    console.log('Hello, ' + name);
  } else {
    console.log('Hello, Stranger!');

Benefits of using JavaScript Beautifier

There are several benefits to using JavaScript Beautifier:

Improved Readability:

By following a consistent and standardized code formatting, JavaScript Beautifier improves code readability. Indentation, line breaks, and spacing help separate code blocks visually and make it easier to understand the flow of the program.

Easier Collaboration:

When working with multiple developers on a project, maintaining consistent code style becomes crucial. JavaScript Beautifier ensures that everyone follows the same code formatting, reducing conflicts and making collaboration smoother.

Debugging Made Easier:

Properly formatted code is easier to debug. Clear indentation and line breaks make it simpler to identify logical errors and track the flow of execution. This can save significant time when hunting down bugs in your JavaScript code.

Code Maintenance:

A well-formatted codebase is easier to maintain and update over time. Consistent code style makes it easier to make changes without introducing new bugs or breaking existing functionality.

Using JavaScript Beautifier

Using JavaScript Beautifier is as simple as pasting your code into the tool and applying the desired formatting options. Let's go through the steps to use a popular JavaScript Beautifier tool called js-beautify:

Step 1: Install js-beautify

First, you need to install the js-beautify library. You can do this by running npm install -g js-beautify in the command-line interface.

Step 2: Format a JavaScript file

Once installed, you can use js-beautify to format a JavaScript file. For example, to format a file called script.js, you can run the following command in the command-line interface:

js-beautify script.js > beautified-script.js

This command formats the contents of script.js and saves the formatted code in a new file called beautified-script.js.

Step 3: Beautify a code snippet

Alternatively, if you don't want to format an entire file, you can beautify a code snippet directly. You can use the following command in the command-line interface:

echo ""your-code-here"" | js-beautify

Replace your-code-here with the JavaScript code snippet you want to beautify. The formatted code will be outputted in the console.

Other JavaScript Beautifier Tools

In addition to js-beautify, there are other JavaScript Beautifier tools available that provide similar functionality. Some popular options include:

  • ESLint: While primarily a linter, ESLint can also automatically fix many common formatting issues. It offers a variety of plugins and customizable rules to enforce code style.
  • Prettier: Prettier is a powerful code formatter that supports multiple programming languages, including JavaScript. It has a wide range of configuration options and can integrate with popular code editors and build systems.
  • TidyJS: TidyJS is a command-line tool for formatting JavaScript code. It focuses on producing clean and readable code by following specific formatting rules.


JavaScript Beautifier is an essential tool for any JavaScript developer. By automatically formatting your code, it improves readability, makes collaboration easier, and simplifies debugging and maintenance. With the variety of JavaScript Beautifier tools available, you can choose the one that best suits your needs and integrate it into your development workflow to write cleaner and more organized JavaScript code.